Tier II Online System Help

Most recent updates

What's new
Physical and Health Hazards
In 2017 the EPA added more specificity to the physical and health hazards associated with chemicals. The online data entry and hard-copy forms used by NDEE have been updated to reflect the new hazards.

To fit the new hazards on the screen the chemical details pop-up has been redesigned with two tabs. The chemical name, weights, and other storage properties are on one tab and the health and physical hazards on the second tab labeled hazards (see screenshot below). Click on the tab heading Hazards to see the options and check all that apply.

hazard tab screen-shot
Web browser support changes
Most of the pages in the application now follow the HTML 5 specification and will work best in any recent update of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Internet Explorer 11. Internet Explorer 10 has not been tested and probably will not work; IE versions 9 and earlier will definitely not work. If you cannot use one of the recommended browsers please contact Shani Mach and we will work something out.
E-mail submitted report PDF to yourself
You can email the submitted PDF to yourself at the final page.
Chemical search now includes EPA Substance Registry Service search
If you are searching adding a chemical and it does not exist in NDEE's reference table then the application will search the EPA's Substance Registry Services as well.
Report codes in submitted PDF reports
For reporting years 2017 and earlier only codes were used to indicate weights, temperatures and pressures.  In 2014 the weight codes were changed to conform with EPA codes.  Below are the old and new weight codes:
Old and New (as of 2014) Amount Codes
CodeReport Year 2013 and earlier CodeReport Year 2014 and later
10 - 99 lbs 010 - 99 lbs
2100 - 999 lbs 02100 - 499 lbs
03500 - 999 lbs
31,000 - 9,999 lbs 041,000 - 4,999 lbs
055,000 - 9,999 lbs
410,000 - 99,999 lbs 0610,000 - 24,999 lbs
0725,000 - 49,999 lbs
0850,000 - 74,999 lbs
0975,000 - 99,999 lbs
5100,000 - 999,999 lbs 10100,000 - 499,999 lbs
11500,000 - 999,999 lbs
61,000,000 - 9,999,999 lbs 121,000,000 - 9,999,999 lbs
710,000,000 - 49,999,999 lbs 1310,000,000 + lbs
850,000,000 - 99,999,999 lbs
9100,000,000 - 499,999,999 lbs
10500,000,000 - 999,999,999 lbs
111 billion or more lbs

Pink (old codes 2-5):  cannot be mapped to a new code
Green (codes 6-11):  can be mapped but the new codes are not the same 
Old codes 1 and 6-11 can be converted, old codes 2-5 cannot.

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Enter your facility identification number and password as printed on the reverse side of the Letter of Instruction for Submitting Tier II Forms.  If you do not enter the password correctly, you have a total of three tries before the system will inactivate the registration and prevent further login attempts.  If your password has been inactivated, call your NDEE Tier II representative.  Click Register to begin the online Tier II submission process.
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Submit E-Mail
Enter your e-mail address.  Re-enter your e-mail address again to confirm.  This e-mail address may be used to contact you in case we have questions regarding your Tier II form. Click Save & Continue to move to the next step.
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Submit Facility Information
The information on this page relates to the facility itself.  Much of the information you must submit may already be completed based on our records.  Verify and change the information as needed.  Ensure the following are correct:
  • Facility name, street address (line 1 and optionally line 2), city, county, and zip code are correct.
  • Street address where chemicals are stored:  fill this out if the chemicals are stored at a different street address than the address given for the facility.
  • NAICS code:  if the NAICS code is missing or incorrect type either the correct NAICS code (if you know it) or a word or phrase that describes the activity at the facility and click the Search button, then double-click the appropriate row in the results pop-up window. The information will be transferred to the form.

Click Save and Continue to move to the next step.

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Submit Tier II Contacts
The information on this display relates to the Tier II contacts. Much of the information you must submit may already be completed based on our records. Verify and change the information as needed. Any information change for Tier II contacts may not be readily updated for additional Tier II form submissions should you be responsible for submitting multiple Tier II information. After reviewing contact information, our staff will record the information in our permanent database. Ensure all information is filled in completely. Most fields are required. If you attempted to submit incomplete information, the system will ask for you to complete blank fields. Click Save & Continue to move to the next step.
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Enter NAICS Code
The information on this display relates to the primary NAICS code and description as it relates to the Title 3 program for NDEE.  Verify the NAICS code is correct.  If necessary, enter a search string in the description field and click the Search button to look-up the NAICS code.  You can also type the NAICS code in the code field and search for that. Click Save & Continue to move to the next step.
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Submit Tier II Chemicals
The chemicals on this display, if any, are the Tier II chemicals currently recorded in the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy's information system for the current reporting period.

To quickly add chemicals from the previous year's Tier II form submission, click Copy Chemicals and click the checkbox's for those chemicals you wish to copy. Then click Copy Chemical(s) to copy the chemicals to the new Tier II Form.

Once copied over, you may click on the individual chemicals to see more details and edit chemical attributes as needed.

Click New Chemical to add a single new chemical from scratch.

To delete a chemical, click the chemical's checkbox and then click the Delete button.

Once the list is complete and no more changes are necessary, click the Continue button to move on to the next step.
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Tier II Certification Agreement
Read the Certification Agreement and click the checkbox if you agree to the statement.  Click Sign Form to submit the Tier II form online.  After clicking the Sign Form button you should click the Show Tier II Form button to save the Tier II form to your hard drive or open a copy in your favorite PDF viewer.

You can either print a copy of the form and mail it to your Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) or email the PDF form directly.  The LEPC contact for the facility should be on the final page after submitting the form (available here in list form).

You can also print a copy of the form to review and for your records and for your LEPC and local fire department.
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Coming Back And Finishing a Tier II Form
You may stop at any time and come back later to finish submitting your Tier II form. Make sure you click Save & Continue to save the information on the current web page before closing your browser window. Otherwise, the information may not be saved.

To start where you left off, login to the Tier II Online system again by following the instructions on your instruction letter. Click the Edit button of the last step you finished. Ensure the information is correct and then click the Save & Continue button to move onto the next step.
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Your Session Times Out
If at any time you receive a message indicating your session has timed out. Simply login to the Tier II Online system again by following the instructions on your instruction letter, and continue entering Tier II data where you left off (see Coming Back And Finishing a Tier II Form).
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Password Does Not Work
If the password does not work, call NDEE at 402-471-2186 and ask for the Tier II form representative.
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Message: Our records indicate your information has been received either electronically or by mail. You may not submit or edit your form online.
You will receive this message if someone has previously submitted Tier II information for the reporting period, either electronically or in paper form. If this is incorrect, contact your NDEE Tier II representative for help.
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Terms and acronyms
Chemical Abstract Service - a division of the American Chemical Society.  A CAS number is a unique number assigned by CAS to a specific chemical and structure for easy reference.  CAS numbers have three parts, like 7782-50-5, with the last digit being a check-digit.
Local Emergency Planning Committee - see NEMA list of county Emergency Management Directors/Coordinators. The Tier II report should be sent to the emergency planning director, not the LEPC.
North American Industrial Classification System (latest revision 2017).
Toxic Release Inventory (see EPA program info)
Risk Management Plan
Internet Explorer versions 10 and earlier
Internet Explorer users:  IE version 10 or higher is highly recommended.  If you experience problems, particularly with the chemicals page, then you may have IE Browser Mode set to Compatibility View (F12 will usually bring up the developer tools where this information will be in the menu bar).  Set the Browser Mode to the highest level possible.
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Nebraska.gov  |  Security, Privacy and Accessibility Policy
Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy, PO Box 98922, Lincoln, NE 68509-8922, (402) 471-2186